Designed by renowned architect Kengo Kuma, Yusuhara Community Library located in Takaoka, Kochi prefecture, which is described as “Library above the clouds”, opened in May 2018 and ModuleX’s products were selected.
The distinctive timberwork design used in this project makes it challenging to ensure uniform illumination in lighting design.
Our unique “Lighting Realization” technique, where the completed lighting effect can be visualized by checking and analyzing each and every shape of the timberwork was implemented.
This is the integrated lighting solutions we can provide.
Project Reference | Library above the clouds in Yusuhara |
Designer | Kengo Kuma and Associates |
ModuleX solution formation |
ModuleX Inc. Yoshiki Ichikawa |
Photograph | Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office |
Address | 1212-2, Yusuhara, Yusuhara-cho Takaoka-gun, Kochi, 785-0610, Japan |
Phone | +81 889-65-1900 |
URL | |