
■ Category
 Food Court
■ Concept
 With this particular optical design, you can very precisely
illuminate the designated area. All you need to do is to choose a single lighting device. You can adjust the lighting effects using the six different types of optical lens filters, based on the aesthetic you want to produce.
■ Key Product
 ・ModuleX80 | MUSEUM Platform | Spotlight
   Light luminous(light source):1,278 - 1,507Lm
   power consumption(reference data):100V 21.5W
   light distribution:Narrow 10° | Medium 18°
   * glare cut off angle 30° hood
   * filter lighting :
    with Semi-diffuser lens filter : 10° → 36°
    with Semi-spread lens filter : 10° → 11° / 33°
    with Sharpener lens filter : 10° → 9°

 ・ModuleX60 | SLEEK Platform | Pinhole downlight
   Light luminous(light source):414 - 453Lm
   power consumption(reference data):100V 10.3W
   light distribution:Medium 33°


Product specification sheet

Project DATA

Project Reference EBISU FOOD HALL
Interior Design RIC DESIGN Inc.
Key Products ModuleX80
Address 1-1-9, Ebisuminami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone +81-3-5773-5959
Closed irregular holidays
URL https://senq-web.jp/office/kasumigaseki